Migrants face military repression in Mexican border cities, Tapachula and Tijuana

Last week there were raids and repression of migrants by elements of the Mexican National Guard, Marines, military, and agents…

Announcing a new podcast “Resisting the Border” by In Defense of Indigenous Ancestors

https://player.pippa.io/resisting-the-border/episodes/in-defense-of-indigenous-ancestors "Resisting the Border" is a news podcast from Intercontinental Cry exploring the consequences of the Trump Administration's border wall…

Mexican govt opening new shelter in Tijuana as deportations and MPP continue in the US

July 24, 2019Today El Sol de Tijuana and San Diego Red reported that the federal government will convert an abandoned…

Migrants from Cameroon and Eritrea block the port-of-entry

All photos by Adelita Zero. Tijuana, B.C. On July 9, 2019, approximately 100 Cameroonians and Eriteans blocked the path of…

“The Only Crisis is Border Patrol Violence”

Custom and Border Protection plans to open a new holding facility in El Paso.[1] After backlash against the deaths of…

Caravaneras Open Their Own Kitchen in Tijuana

Twice a day migrants can stop by a small comedor in Tijuana and eat a warm meal. They can pick…

“Aquí en Tecun Uman guatemala estamos”

A comrade who arrived in Tijuana wit this winter's caravan returned to Honduras to travel with the next caravan. An…